Infotopics | Apps for Tableau
Infotopics | Apps for Tableau


Apps for Tableau Toolbox

Easily replace Extension URLs in your Tableau Workbooks.

V4.0 Updated to support Viz Extensions!

With just a few clicks, you can easily switch from beta to production or upgrade from a shared extension to enterprise, all while maintaining the existing dashboard as it is.

Effortlessly manage Dashboard and Viz Extensions.

The FREE Apps for Tableau TrexReplacer simplifies the process of updating extension URLs in your dashboards, delivering significant business value. With just a few clicks, you can easily switch from beta to production or upgrade from a shared extension to enterprise, all while maintaining the existing dashboard as it is.

This Toolbox streamlines the process, allowing you to focus on your core business objectives without worrying about time-consuming manual updates.

Effortlessly update your workbooks.

This intuitive tool makes updating your workbook extensions a breeze. Simply select your workbook (twb / twbx) and TREX file(s) to access a comprehensive overview of all extensions within the workbook with information such as extension name, description, and URL, as well as a list of dashboards in which the extension is being used. To update the URL, simply select a new option from the dropdown menu or type in the new URL directly. All actions remain strictly local on your computer. No workbooks/data is uploaded to a server for processing.

Easily change the extension from beta to production or update your share version to enterprise while maintaining the existing dashboard as it is.

Apps for Tableau Toolbox - TREX replacer from test to production
Apps for Tableau Toolbox - TREX replacer from test to production
Apps for Tableau Toolbox

Take advantage of this valuable FREE tool and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with effortless dashboard management.

Secure on-premises solutions.

Governance and Security are one of the biggest priorities in developing Apps for Tableau Products. All our products are available as on-premises solutions and our data and user access is secured under Tableau’s governance.

Governed and Secure.

Governance and Security are one of the biggest priorities in developing Apps for Tableau Products. All our products are secure and our data and user access is secured under Tableau’s governance.

The Apps for Tableau TrexReplacer works with:

VizSlides - Tableau in Powerpoint Mac Desktop

Mac Desktop

VizSlides - Tableau in Powerpoint Windows Desktop

Windows Desktop 

Revolutionize your data with trusted partners.

The Apps for Tableau partner network is a trusted and experienced team of consulting and reseller partners, dedicated to serving professionals worldwide in their native language.

Discover how Tableau Extensions can revolutionize the way you handle data, enabling you to make better-informed decisions and achieve remarkable outcomes in your industry. Locate one of our trustworthy partners and start optimizing your data-driven journey.

WorldMap Partners AFT


Will the Toolbox get extra features?2023-10-13T15:11:36+01:00

We are looking to improve the Toolbox by adding extra functionality such as Video to GIF and much more.

If you change one Tableau Workbook with the Toolbox can it be changed again?2023-10-13T15:11:07+01:00

Yes there is no limit.