Infotopics | Apps for Tableau
Infotopics | Apps for Tableau


Use Tableau in Microsoft Teams.

Close the loop by collaborating immediately from your dashboard in Microsoft Teams. Share your insights with a link to your Tableau dashboard. People will see the exact dashboard you shared with filters and parameters applied.

Elevate your presentations with powerful data integration.

Share your insights

DreamTeams allows you to share your visualizations from Tableau to Microsoft Teams in a channel or private message easily. Add your findings and start to collaborate.

Tag your Audience

Notify your colleagues with mentions in DreamTeams so they never miss a message from you. Get access to all your teams and channels in Tableau and share your visualizations.

Send a link

DreamTeams allows you to send a link to your Tableau dashboard. The link contains all the filters and parameters applied by you, so your receivers will see exactly what you see.

Tableau in Powerpoint Add-in - VizSlides
  • Close the loop by collaborating immediately from your dashboard
  • Get access to all your teams and channels in Tableau in just one click
  • Share Tableau vizzes with your colleagues right from Tableau.
  • Share Tableau vizzes and collaborate with people even if they do not have Tableau yet.
  • Share your insights and align by sending messages with a link to your Tableau dashboard. 

  • Notify people inside and outside your organization
DreamTeams dreamteams

Are you ready to create your own DreamTeam(s)?

Trial Guide

Before you get started, follow this guide

The free DreamTeams trial requires special permissions from Azure AD, this guide is written for Azure Admins and to consent our app to run


Check it out

Everything you need to know to get up and running with the DreamTeams Extension!

Check out our documentation to get the most out of your extension!



Our team is committed to your success with Infotopics | Apps for Tableau

Contact us by mail: 


Revolutionize your data with trusted partners.

The Apps for Tableau partner network is a trusted and experienced team of consulting and reseller partners, dedicated to serving professionals worldwide in their native language.

Discover how DreamTeams can revolutionize the way you handle data, enabling you to make better-informed decisions and achieve remarkable outcomes in your industry. Locate one of our trustworthy partners and start optimizing your data-driven journey.

WorldMap Partners AFT

Secure on-premises solutions.

Governance and Security are one of the biggest priorities in developing Apps for Tableau Products. All our products are available as on-premises solutions and our data and user access is secured under Tableau’s governance.

Watch the DreamTeams launch event.

1:05 – Our Story

6:57 – The making of DreamTeams

7:50 – DreamTeams Trailer

8:37 – Use cases

11:45 – Showtime: DreamTeams DEMO

23:56 – Giveaway winner announcement

24:28 – Request your FREE trial


How safe is the product?2024-02-28T16:59:47+01:00

Apps for Tableau products are safe and secure. Our products are penetration tested by an independent company every year, you can request the pentest report by contacting sales. Besides that, our on-premises subscriptions can run fully without the need of a internet connection. You can find more about data security here.

Does Apps for Tableau look at any of my data?2023-10-13T10:29:41+01:00

No this product runs locally on the computer of the client and will not send any data to Apps for Tableau. We also offer on-premises solutions which do not require any internet connection. For more info visit the Data Security page and download the whitepaper. 

Can I get an on-premises trial?2023-10-13T12:42:46+01:00

Yes, you can request an on-premises trial by filling in the form on the pricing page.

Do you offer installation support?2023-10-13T10:28:33+01:00

Yes, you can contact us for the possibilities.

Do you have a partner programme?2023-10-13T10:27:50+01:00

Yes! You can find a partner overview here.