Saving 75% of dashboards by using SuperTables.
With advanced Tableau dashboard viewer functionalities, SuperTables has proven to be customer-focused for OAKS Consulting. Customers can create their own views and see their own perspectives as they wish, corresponding with their current use case and what they are looking for. As such, SuperTables has been a great benefit for this company when doing customer-orientated reports and dashboards.
About Oaks Consulting
“Although we are performing consulting advices our goal is not to provide theoretical recommendation and elaboration of isolated analyses but the realization of such services which have the direct link on the result, particularly in the way of final price, amounts and conditions of reimbursement of new products and strategic management of prices and reimbursement of currently traded products. Our work includes both the handing over of documentation for application or opinion and our close contact with clients until the finalization of the processing. We are fully responsible for the achieved result. From this point we offer to our clients a possibility to realize the orders on „Success Fee“ and „Risk Sharing“ basis.”
Saving 75% of dashboards with SuperTables
Senior data analyst at OAKS Consulting, Jakub Weber, confirms that their customers prefer this dynamic way of working with Tableau Extensions much more. In the past, OAKS Consulting would have to create over 20 different Tableau dashboard views to present different facts and display hierarchies in data tables. After implementing SuperTables into their workflow, they only need 5 to 6 dashboards to view the different metrics. That’s saving 75% of dashboards by using SuperTables!

Self-Service with SuperTables: Enhanced Data Sharing
OAKS Consulting provides complete market access for services necessary to ensure the input of medicinal products and medical devices on the market. As such, they rely on sharing a lot of Tableau tables with their customers. These native Tableau data tables were solid and nice to see. OAKS Consulting wanted to enable self-service and empower all Tableau users.
In looking for a solution to make Tableau tables more dynamic, a quick Google search led them to the SuperTables Tableau Extension.
OAKS Consulting comprises of a team of dashboard creators and colleagues selling them. Jakub Weber is in charge of presenting dashboards and proving OAKS Consulting reports are brilliant enough to win customers over. Jakub had to be completely confident in the SuperTables Extension. He had to be sure that this Extension is user-friendly for his customers to navigate through the data. This is precisely what he found true with the SuperTables Tableau Extension.
How SuperTables transformed OAKS Consulting’s Customer Experience
SuperTables is saving OAKS Consulting time and increased efficiency. However, more importantly, it’s saving their customer time and increased efficiency too! Their customer experience has increased tenfold. Feedback from their customers includes comments like “it’s far better than before,” as they get to the answers they’re looking for in an easier and quicker way.
Jakub was happy to announce that after doing a trial of SuperTables and learning that it totally fits their needs and wants, getting started with the Extension was a smooth and quick process for OAKS Consulting. Being on a strict deadline to find a solution for their customers was an important factor in the process. OAKS Consulting was set up and working with the SuperTables Extension in a matter of two days. This process left the team feeling satisfied, and they highly recommend working with Apps for Tableau.