
In this guide we show how to install and upgrade our extensions. Within Infotopics | Apps for Tableau we have an application that wraps around our
extensions, called our extension server. This gives the opportunity to install/run our extensions close to native on the required platforms (Windows,
Linux, and MacOS).

Please note were are always looking for ways to improve our products and make it easier for customers to work with.

Installation guide

In this installation guide, you’ll find the steps to set up for the majority of our Tableau extensions. There are some extensions that have more configuration
options before starting. The following extensions are having a more extended installation:

  • VizSlides
  • DashboardUsage

This guide does NOT apply for WriteBackExtreme, DreamTeams, MailScheduler and SuperKPIs!


There are a few prerequisites and things you’ll need before the installation:

  • A web domain, for example, <> (create a DNS entry) which points to the host of the extension.
  • SSL certificates for the above domain (the installation requires the domain’s `.crt` and private `.key` file, or a `.pfx` file).
  • Server Resources: 4 vCPU, 8Gb, 50Gb application disk space, 100Mbps or 1Gbps network-interface
  • Firewall rules permit access on port 443 (HTTPS) to the server (or any other port you configure in the startup commands of the extension server). Both internal, external, network and server-firewall.
  • A license (license.lic or LICENSE) from our portal (
  • Administrator access on Microsoft account (for the custom add-in setup).

Please note that Tableau requires extensions to be running on HTTPS/SSL connection and therefore required!

Before you start

The extensions server can run in 2 ways:

  • Via configuration (config.yml) file that’s on the same machine (recommended),
  • Or with command-line arguments.

Because the extension server is cross platform there are multiple binaries with
different file extensions.

  • Windows: “extension-name.exe”
  • Linux: “extension-name”

Example of a configuration file `config.yml`:

## This configuration file will be used for building as well.
## Configuration will be merged into the options/arguments list.
## In production there will be a more stripped version
## Host includes port if necessary. Do not include when running on :80 or :443
## example:
host: localhost:8000
## Set custom base path for the extension on a domain “custom-extension” e.g.
## localhost:8080/custom-extension/
base: /
## Enable HTTPS for the webserver can be done here
## In case you want to use the .pfx certificate
## uncomment the `key` and `cert` property, using #
# key: ../ssl/localhost.key
## or localhost.cert
# cert: ../ssl/localhost.crt
## or when on windows and want to use a .pfx file
# pfx: ../ssl/localhost.pfx
# passphrase: some-passphrase
## Change the license configuration
## When not set, it will check for a `license.lic` or `LICENSE` file and
## load license in the current directory.
Example in current folder:
# file: ./license.lic
Example in different folder:
# file: ../enterprise_licenses/license.lic

All options for using the extension server in command-line mode, without config:

Usage: super-tables [options]


–config [config] Change config file. Yaml formatted file.
-l, –license [file] Use license file. Do not use when next to binary.
-s, –static [path…] Add static routes to serve directly. Runtime static files. Path must be relative from the binary directory.
-b, –base [base-path] Base path to serve from.
–debug Run the application in debug mode.
-h, –host [port] The host of the domain with port.. (default: “:8000”)
–key [key] Relative path `key` file for SSL. requires –cert to be passed.
–cert [cert] Relative path `cert` file for SSL. requires –key to be passed.
–pfx [pfx] Relative path to Windows PFX file for SSL/HTTPS. requires –passphrase to be passed.
–passphrase [passphrase] Relative path passphrase for .pfx and encrypted .key files for SSL/HTTPS. requires –pfx or –key to be passed.
–help Display help for command

Please note that this example can change in upcoming versions.

Getting a 🦖 trex file

There are two ways of getting a generated `.trex` file:

  • When the extension server is started open in the browser: `https://{your-host}/trex`. Here you can download it. You can share the URL to your users to distribute.
  • Or run the `publish:trex` command in the terminal.
    Windows: `extension-name.exe publish:trex`.
    Linux: `./extension-name publish:trex`.

Upgrade guide

In this upgrade guide, you’ll find the steps to set up all Tableau extensions except for the following:

  • WritebackExtreme
  • MailScheduler
  • SuperKPIs

There are some extensions that have more configuration options before starting. The following extensions are having a more extensive installation:

  • VizSlides
  • DashboardUsage

💡 TIP: before upgrading the production environment test the new versions on your acceptance/testing/developing environment. This is always a good practice!

Steps to upgrade

1. Stop the service from running.
2. Make a backup from the current version: `extension-name`, `config.yml` or `.env` file and other custom related files (in SuperTables `custom.css` and
`custom.js` files).
3. Replace the executable/binary file of the extension server with the new one.
4. Check the `config.yml` for new configuration and/or missing configuration.
5. Start the service again.

If you are not much of a reader, please watch the following video:

Change/upgrade SSL/HTTPS certificate

1. Stop the service from running.
2. Replace your `.crt` and `.key` or `.pfx` file.
3. Run the `extension-name` binary on the command-line to test. When the test is successful, stop the runtime.
4. Start the service to run it again.

Goals of upgrades

The Apps for Tableau extensions will continue to develop over time. We will add new functionality, expand possibilities and eliminate bugs. This section will
explain how to upgrade your (production) instance of your Enterprise extension server. The principles of this procedure are:

  • Commands are written for the Windows executable but are equally applicable in
    Linux environments.
  • You have access to the command prompt of the server the AppsforTableau extension
    server is running on.
  • You don’t have to change the trex file already distributed to your users.