We want you to meet
Sriharsh Amur

My name is Sri Harsh Amur, and I am a developer at Apps for Tableau. I am originally from India and came to the Netherlands in 2019 to do my Bachelor’s in Computer Science at the University of Twente.
My First Project
I spent my first couple of weeks learning Tableau and how to build extensions in it. The first extension I made could calculate the KPI values of Tableau worksheets. The idea behind this was that tools like Excel have various built-in functions and formulas to display KPI values given some data, but it was next to impossible if the same had to be performed in Tableau.
The prototype I had built helped me understand the Extensions API of Tableau and the differences between a regular browser like Chrome or Firefox and Tableau’s extension browser. I also got to learn how to build React applications within Tableau.
Overall, It was a fun project to get started with an extension’s development.
Teams Integration PoC
I started with making a prototype where users could create visualisations of a worksheet using an custom build Viz Editor with Tableau’s brand new Viz API features. Once we built the prototype extension, Merlijn asked me to investigate how it could be connected to Teams.
One way was to use a channels webhook URL to send messages and Viz to a Team’s channel. Although this fulfilled the basic requirement, it lacked many features like tagging your team members in a message or choosing a team or chat from the extension.
The second way was to let the user login into Microsoft and get access to Teams using SAML. This opened a lot of features that were previously not available with webhook URLs.
I got to learn a lot while building this extension. I got comfortable with reading API documentation and understood how APIs work. I was pleasantly surprised by the positive response from platforms like LinkedIn. I am delighted to be given the opportunity to create this prototype! The Teams Integrations will be released in Q1 of 2022! Want to see a demo? Check it our on our LinkedIn page!
We love to make solutions and help Tableau users to do things more efficiently. If you have feedback, ideas, questions or need support, please share them with us! Also, don’t forget to follow us on social media for our latest news and updates.