Infotopics | Apps for Tableau
Infotopics | Apps for Tableau
Features ScrollyTelling2024-02-01T14:12:39+01:00


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Value-adding features

Data Journalism

ScrollyTelling can assist you in creating a story with your data and presenting it to your colleagues. In this way, non-Tableau users can easily gain insights from the data thanks to interacting with the images, videos, and animations on your dashboard.


Filters, Highlights, Parameters & Animated Visuals

Filter your story on a particular data point you wish to focus on, some outliers may need investigating in more detail. Bring your story to life by animating the data within your story! Animate changes over a period to really visualize the changes.

Navigation Options and Story Sections

Use tabs to navigate through your story in a single click. Fill up your story and navigate in no time! Accordion headers is ScrollyTelling’s newest way to show your story. Each part of data your story can be sectioned off so your viz will show the relevant data only!

ScrollyTelling - next level storytelling in Tableau
ScrollyTelling - next level storytelling in Tableau - Highlight Actions

Reporting in Tableau

Use tabs to navigate through your story in a single click. Fill up your story and navigate in no time! Accordion headers is ScrollyTelling’s newest way to show your story. Each part of data your story can be sectioned off so your viz will show the relevant data only!

Key features

  • Trigger actions on scroll without buttons by configuring section settings

  • Dynamically change dashboard interactions and visuals as the story progresses
  • Animate visuals, apply filters, modify parameters and add highlights
  • Add paragraphs, images, videos and interactive Tableau actions to story sections
  • Create buttons that trigger single or series of Tableau actions like filters and highlights
  • Switch visuals using parameter-based actions
  • Create filter animations to sequentially apply filters over time
  • Display story sections in an accordion view for condensed yet detailed presentation
  • Add styling options like background, text colors and borders for accordion headers

  • Create filter animations to sequentially apply filters over time
  • Configure highlight actions and animations to draw attention to specific areas

  • Include descriptive text on accordion headers for easy section identification
  • Control animation intervals for smooth filter, parameter and highlight changes
  • Dynamically change dashboard interactions and visuals as the story progresses

Secure on-premises solutions.

Governance and Security are one of the biggest priorities in developing Apps for Tableau Products. All our products are available as on-premises solutions and our data and user access is secured under Tableau’s governance.


How many different actions are possible?2023-10-16T08:47:32+01:00

6 in total. Parameter, Filter, Highlight action & Parameter, Filter, Highlight animation. 

Do you always have to click to show a new visual?2023-10-16T08:47:06+01:00

No! ScrollyTelling allows you to configure so the visuals change as you scroll through your story.


Does this product work on phone and tablet?2023-10-13T12:44:55+01:00


How do I upgrade or install ScrollyTelling?2023-10-05T14:12:07+01:00

We have an extensive installation guide provided here and you can find the ScrollyTelling product guide here.

How safe is the product?2024-02-28T16:59:47+01:00

Apps for Tableau products are safe and secure. Our products are penetration tested by an independent company every year, you can request the pentest report by contacting sales. Besides that, our on-premises subscriptions can run fully without the need of a internet connection. You can find more about data security here.

Can I request new features?2023-10-13T10:30:10+01:00

Of course! Our products thrive on customer feedback, feel free to contact us with your feature requests.