Infotopics | Apps for Tableau
Infotopics | Apps for Tableau


ProcessMining in Tableau: Unveil Your Business Insights.

Optimize efficiency and effectiveness by gaining insights, enabling informed decision-making and controlling your business processes.

Trusted by 600+ companies in 150 countries.

Also available as Viz Extensions !


What is Process Mining?

Process mining is an analytical approach that empowers organizations to unveil, track, and enhance their operational business procedures with precision and clarity by using existing data contained within event logs from organizations’ information systems.

Instead of relying on assumptions, process mining provides an insightful and accurate impression of how a process unfolds. It serves as a tool for auditing, analyzing, and refining processes, addressing both compliance and performance inquiries. It illuminates the hidden complexity of operations, enabling informed decision-making to optimize efficiency and effectiveness.

Apps for Tableau data analyzing products

Be in control over your business processes.

Detect bottlenecks

Improve your customer experience and deliver the most valuable customer journey by detecting bottlenecks in your processes. Spot outliers, bottlenecks and side paths, and use filters and actions to pinpoint your areas of interest.

Optimize processes

ProcessMining can be used to optimize many business processes in your organization like purchase-to-pay, order-to-cash, service processes, HR processes, logistics processes, mortgage processes, ICT requests, and many more.

Reduce time and costs

When having fact-based, objective insights in these processes, it is easy to detect the bottlenecks and improve the process as you have continuous insights. This reduces through-put time, costs and waste. Create business value in various ways.

Kelly D. Myers

“When we show information about specific diseases or processes and stakeholders see the patterns our technologies discover, even if they don’t fully understand AI, it helps them to understand and trust the output of our models.”

Kelly D. Myers – CEO & Founder Atomo

“When we show information about specific diseases or processes and stakeholders see the patterns our technologies discover, even if they don’t fully understand AI, it helps them to understand and trust the output of our models.”

– Kelly D. Myers, CEO and Founder of Atomo

ProcessMining in action with pre-built solutions.

ProcessMining industries page

Efficient Root-Cause Analysis

By implementing RCA in processes, businesses can identify all the possible causes of a problem, then test each one to see if it is the exact source of the problem and optimize their process and resources or prevent future incidents from occurring. ProcessMining can help you identify opportunities to reduce costs and improve efficiency while at the same time providing visibility into where problems are occurring and why. This can help you take corrective action quickly, allowing you to resolve issues before they become major. Make better data-driven decisions that are more beneficial to your business.

Atomohealth GIF on ProcessMining

Patient Journey Analysis

Atomo uses ProcessMining  to show the natural history of a disease via Patient Journey Analysis. It shows how individuals can migrate through healthcare and what happens to one group that has a relatively streamlined process to healthcare patients journeys versus another group that has a more varied journey to healthcare.  ProcessMining is extremely valuable by helping to show the differences between various group’s journeys and thus helps to identify optimal processes.

Using the ProcessMining Extension, we streamlined P2P processes for better decision-making, enhanced monitoring, and increased productivity through visualization and data-driven insights. It increases our productivity with concrete measures in the operative daily business.

– Alex Liu, Shanghai Data Compass


Let us help you get started.

Product Guide

Everything you need to know to get up and running!

How to configure your ProcessMining


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Revolutionize your data with trusted partners.

The Apps for Tableau partner network is a trusted and experienced team of consulting and reseller partners, dedicated to serving professionals worldwide in their native language.

Discover how ProcessMining can revolutionize the way you handle data, enabling you to make better-informed decisions and achieve remarkable outcomes in your industry. Locate one of our trustworthy partners and start optimizing your data-driven journey.

WorldMap Partners AFT

Secure on-premises solutions.

Governance and Security are one of the biggest priorities in developing Apps for Tableau Products. All our products are available as on-premises solutions and our data and user access is secured under Tableau’s governance.


Do you offer ProcessMining as a SaaS Solution?2023-09-21T10:11:59+01:00

Yes, you can request more information on the pricing page.

Do you offer ProcessMining as On-Premises solutions?2023-09-21T10:11:45+01:00

Yes, you can request more information by filling in the form on the pricing page.

Does Apps for Tableau look at any of my data?2023-10-13T10:29:41+01:00

No this product runs locally on the computer of the client and will not send any data to Apps for Tableau. We also offer on-premises solutions which do not require any internet connection. For more info visit the Data Security page and download the whitepaper. 

Can I get an on-premises trial?2023-10-13T12:42:46+01:00

Yes, you can request an on-premises trial by filling in the form on the pricing page.

Do you offer installation support?2023-10-13T10:28:33+01:00

Yes, you can contact us for the possibilities.

Do you have a partner programme?2023-10-13T10:27:50+01:00

Yes! You can find a partner overview here.