Workbooks Gallery

Pre-built workbooks using the SuperTables Extension.

  • We understand the numerous responsibilities you manage, from optimising your website to monitoring performance metrics. That's why we've developed PowerKPIs—to streamline your decision-making process and make your job easier.

  • Unlock the world of global game sales with our ShowMeMore Tableau dashboard! Dive into North America, Japan, and Europe's gaming trends using a radar chart and supertable for a quick, insightful adventure. Elevate your understanding of sales distribution and genre dynamics.

  • Empower your law enforcement agency with this Crime Analysis Dashboard, a robust solution designed to revolutionise crime management, optimize resource allocation, and enhance community safety. Delve into intricate crime patterns across regions using dynamic radar chart and interactive maps for proactive policing. The Stacked Bar Charts unveil crime type distribution, aiding in trend analysis for informed decision-making. With SuperTables Tableau extension, evaluate officer performance with granular detail, allowing tailored column order, grouping, and customised bar charts for optimised resource allocation. Interactive features promote community engagement, enhance resource deployment efficiency, reduce response times, and foster transparency, trust, and collaboration for safer neighborhoods.

  • Maximize your educational institution's potential with our solution. Student Performance Analysis dashboards, empower you to explore student performance across key dimensions. Quickly identify trends and areas for improvement with condensed metrics, allowing tailored support for all students. The School Performance Evaluation dashboard complements this by providing a competitive edge in a data-driven educational landscape, streamlining insights for resource allocation and continuous improvement.

  • This solution for financial statements offers dynamic dashboards for real-time monitoring, strategic resource allocation, and scenario modelling. Easily explore “What-If” scenarios, monitor financial health in real-time, and optimize resource allocation game-changing capabilities in SuperTables. Use the ShowMeMore Waterfall Chart to model various financial scenarios, from cost reductions to market expansions, making informed choices. Uncover opportunities and address risks with this solution.

  • Explore this solution to simplify the complexities of supply chain management. Whether you're in manufacturing or logistics, this dashboard is tailored for you. With an intuitive overview and DrillDownTree, it offers insights into your entire supply chain. The Performance Metrics Dashboard tracks key metrics, and Geo Sankey visualizes material flow for optimized transportation routes. SuperTables at the bottom right create a user-friendly space for easy exploration, streamlined logistics, enhanced category-based performance, and informed decision-making. This dashboard, powered by extensions, adds immense value by providing insights for a seamless supply chain operation.