Free academic licenses
Solutions for Students.
Level up your learning.
Are you a student eager to dive even deeper into the world of data analysis and visualization? Get ready to supercharge your academic journey with our Apps for Tableau for Students program. Dive into a world of new data insights as we offer students from accredited academic institutions free one-year Apps for Tableau licenses.

Drive success.
In class
Go the extra mile for class or internship assignments and optimize your problem-solving skills and adaptability. Analyze and present your data in a new way with our easy to use, user-friendly, drag-and-drop solutions.
Develop skills
Experiment with our solutions during your educational journey and explore your creativity with beautiful visualizations on topics you are passionate about.
Prepare for your career
Prepare for your future career by working with our Tableau solutions and optimize your skills in data visualization, analytics, and business intelligence. Gain hands-on experience and boost your attractiveness to potential employers.
For social impact
Create visualizations to raise awareness for causes that carry personal meaning, like climate change, inequality, or global health. Check out our Extensions for Good program for more social good projects.
We make impact.
Explore our solutions.
Get inspired with real life use cases.
*Please note that Extensions are not viable on Tableau Public